Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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Why You Don’t Need Another Vague Copywriting Template

by | Jan 25, 2022 | 0 comments

So, you’ve got your hands on what seems to be an amazing copywriting template…

You’re hoping more clients and customers will flock your way.

So, you’re ready to plug in just a few details about your business before sharing with the world.

Now, before you do, you’ve got to think about one thing…

Look, here’s the deal: 

Standing out is the name of the game in this noisy digital world. 

And the last thing you need right now is another copywriting template that’s going to hinder you from truly standing out. 

You don’t need another template to plug and play.

You need a solid strategy and support. 

If you’re constantly copying and pasting with templates, you’ll get caught up in the idea of “I’ve just got to get this done.” or hey at least I’m being consistent…

But the reality of all this is: 

Are you actually using those templates to truly fit your needs? 

Before sending, have you re-written them to fit your brand voice? 

Do you understand the strategy behind email marketing? 

Do you understand the value of planning your email campaigns? 

All of these are key elements to consider. 

And the constant need to plug and play with a template doesn’t really solve a problem…

It only sweeps it under the rug…

So, I’m encouraging you not to work in a surface-level capacity…

It’s time to focus your eyes on a solid strategy before eyeing another shiny template….

Now, tell me, is this helpful for you? 

If so, drop in the comments to let me know. 

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