Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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Why You Think Your Niche is Too Saturated

by | Nov 23, 2021 | 0 comments

So, you think your niche is too saturated?

Think again…

These are the REAL reasons why you think your niche is too saturated – and sorry but the algorithm or the number of people in your niche has nothing to do with it.

You’re simply:

👉🏾 Not documenting key experiences

👉🏾 Consuming too much of everyone else’s content

👉🏾 Not documenting conversations with potential clients or customers

👉🏾 Not thinking your brand is interesting

When I’m working with clients, I ask key questions in terms of their experiences as the leader of their brand, conversations they’ve had with clients or customers, and of course, I get to the root of their brand’s attributes.

All of these elements are essential in creating content that connects and converts.

Now, I have a question for you…

Are you ready to shift your perspective?

If so, let’s work together for one day to build a storytelling content strategy and content plan that authentically connects and converts your ideal client or customer.

Chayil Media Publishing’s Story-Selling VIP Day is waiting on you.

A Story-Selling VIP Day is the perfect way for you to sell more of your services, signature programs, or courses using the power of storytelling.

After this 5-hour experience, you’ll walk away with a storytelling content strategy and content plan, AND powerful storytelling trainings.

Your VIP day can focus on one of three areas: social media content, email content, or launch content.

I want you to feel:

⚡ Excited about creating content for your brand, now that you have the knowledge you need to brainstorm and structure story-driven content like a pro.

Confident about your brand’s digital content.

Instead of spending hours consuming your competitor’s content, you’re focused on working with clients who recently booked you, thanks to your story-driven content.

At ease, now that you’re not stressing about the effectiveness of your content strategy or content plan.

Sound good?

Click here to find out more exciting details about Story-Selling VIP Days and apply for your discovery call.

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