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Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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What’s the Big Deal About Social Proof?

by | May 10, 2021 | 0 comments

Tucked away in one of many folders on my laptop is a folder for social proof…

After being knee-deep in exciting work, I always make sure to update this folder with social proof for my website, email subscribers, and social media community.

Social proof is also one of the ULTIMATE ways to stand out for potential customers or clients and it’s one of the things I always ask my clients for.

I want to know how much their customers, clients, community, and business partners are raving about them.

This could be in the form of testimonials, case studies, reviews, or company logos from well-established brands, influencer shout-outs, etc.

This information allows me to add more storytelling elements to copy and social media content. Social proof also gives a glimpse into what it’s like when working with you or using your digital product.

Look, if you’re thinking that people will think you’re annoying or it looks cheesy – just think again.

Social proof can be the icing on the cake and the last thing that people see before they give you a YES.

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