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The Lifetime Value of a Well-Written Sales Page

by | Nov 2, 2020 | 0 comments

Think again, if you believe your sales page is only for a one-time occasion.

Long after, you’ve thrown the confetti for your product or service launch, the wheels of your sales page are still churning out gold.

Now, that’s ONLY the case if it’s a well-written sales page – NOT a sales page that’s thrown together with little to no direction.

Stellar sales pages for your service or product instantly establishes you as a thought leader.  

Additionally, well-written sales pages increase brand awareness. 

Now, in order for this to happen your page should guide your audience on a clear track and mesh with your already-existing brand voice. This brings more customers or clients your way. 

These new customers or clients will also likely connect with you on social media or subscribe to your mailing list because you’ve built that trust factor. 

Great words, sell. PERIOD. 

When was the last time your service or product launch did exactly that? 

I’d love to chat with you if you’re stuck in this area. 

Simply send me an email to info@chayilmediapublishing.com to share your concerns or ask away about the benefits of well-written sales pages for your brand. – Danielle Wallace, Your Strategic Brand Storyteller

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