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The #1 Secret to Boosting Your Content

by | Sep 7, 2021 | 0 comments

Look, there is tons of content out there…

But what makes captivating content?

Content that keeps people coming back time after time?

Content that converts your browsers into clients?

So, it’s one thing to just push out content for your brand. But it’s a totally different experience for your audience when your content truly resonates with them.

Now, first, let’s chat about the difference between a content strategy and a content plan. Because oftentimes, I see people using these interchangeably.

NEWS FLASH: They are not the same.

Your content strategy defines where your brand is going.

It serves as the how and why.

Meanwhile, content planning defines the type of content that will be published in your email campaigns, blogs, videos, and social media channels.

Now, what’s the secret to boosting your content strategy and content plan?

Well, it’s not popular content, that all of your competitors are pushing out.

The answer is storytelling – the art of taking people along on a captivating and compelling story, with the ultimate purpose of driving action.

Storytelling is critical for your content strategy and content plan.

So, instead of pushing out content with tons of facts, features, and benefits, you’ll have content that’s in the form of a narrative.

Narratives within your content bring a humanizing approach to the table for landing the right clients.

Including storytelling in your content strategy, requires going back to the basics of your marketing, like your mission, vision, and core brand values.

You’ll also want to zone in on your target audience and be mindful of the different buckets that your content fits in.

I suggest having three to four main topics or content pillars to guide your content.

Now, in terms of your content plan…

Refer to your main topics or content pillars to guide your content. To make this work effectively, you’ll want to brainstorm story ideas that can truly draw in your audience.

For instance, think of stories that pique curiosity or shift someone’s perspective.

And be mindful that story-driven content has a solid structure that ends with a purpose in mind. Ask yourself, “What’s the purpose behind this story? Or “Does this story fit within my content pillars?”

A few other questions to ask in terms of boosting your content plan in particular are:

What keeps my ideal client up at night?” or what are their struggles?

How can my brand make life better for them?

Or how would they feel if my brand made life better for them?

This helps you get away from all the facts, benefits, and features and instead have a narrative.

I hope this is all helpful for you.

If so, drop in the comments and tell me your thoughts. I’d love to know.

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