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Frustrating Results of Ghosting Email Subscribers

by | Apr 26, 2021 | 0 comments

Here’s the thing, ghosting your email subscribers isn’t cool.

Now, trust me I understand just how busy things can get while building your brand, but here’s the truth – your marketing matters.


The chances of someone actually taking action with this tactic are very low because you haven’t taken the time to nurture your audience. Additionally, if you’ve ghosted your email list and decide to randomly pop in their inbox…they’re more likely to unsubscribe.

In terms of ghosting your email list this looks like – feeling like there’s nothing to share with subscribers, pouring all your focus into social media platforms (that you don’t own), or buying into the myth that email marketing doesn’t work.

Now, on the other hand, if you commit to delivering quality email sales copy to your audience, the results include:

  • Building brand awareness
  • Interest and consideration from potential clients or customers
  • Engagement
  • Loyalty and intent

Remember, quality content CONNECTS with your audience.

Have questions about how you can amplify your next email sales campaign?

Send me an email over at info@chayilmediapublishing.com.

I’d love to hear your goals in terms of truly reaching your target audience. – Danielle

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