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Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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Questions that Create a Magnetic Brand Story

by | Jul 14, 2023 | 0 comments

Wondering what’s the secret behind creating a captivating brand story?

Well, let’s break it down. A compelling brand story is your secret ticket to connecting with your audience emotionally, demonstrating who you are, what you stand for, and what makes you unique as an online coach.

Remember, your brand story isn’t just confined to your ‘About Us’ page. It’s a living narrative that pops up everywhere – from your website, social media, to your emails, and even in your daily conversations.

Now, let’s jump into how it’s possible for you to stand out with your brand story.

The Journey to Today

What’s the “why” behind your coaching business? Did you face any challenges along the way that are relevant to your “why.” Every hurdle overcome is a testament to your resilience and reflects your values and goals.

Understanding Your Audience

Who is your ideal client? Paint a clear picture of them. Understanding their daily struggles and strengths helps create a personal connection.

Next, let’s figure out their online hangout spots. Are they social media savvy, email enthusiasts, or do they prefer another platform? Knowing this will help your message reach them effectively.

Your Impact

How do you aspire to influence your clients? Do you want to shift their perspective or solidify their existing beliefs?

Your Vision

What’s a milestone moment that makes you proud, and how has it shaped your services, programs, or online course today? What are the core values guiding your decisions? Acknowledging areas of improvement shows your commitment to growth and customer satisfaction.

Your Unique Proposition

What’s that unique flavor that sets you and your coaching business apart from others?

Your Brand Personality

If you could sum up your brand in a word, color, or an object, what would it be? What’s the vibe you want to send out – educational, entertaining, or inspiring?

As you answer these questions, think of innovative ways to weave your answers into a story that echoes your unique identity. And while you’re at it, why not level up your online presence with my website copywriting service?

Every project begins with a 60-minute strategy session. Yes, it can be intense, but the clarity you’ll gain will be unparalleled. Following this, I’ll dig into research and strategize to turn your facts into an engaging, sales-driven narrative.

My team and I will also design a wireframe to help you visualize your new copy online. There’s something thrilling about seeing your words come alive, and I bet your audience will feel the same!

To top it all off, you’ll receive my signature “Storytelling Meets Branding Guide,” tailored for your social media and email marketing needs.

Oh, and finally, we’ll tie everything up with a final call, that’s a must for making sure that you’re all set to make the most of these assets.

Are you ready to kick start this journey with your website copywriting project?

Click here to get started with Chayil Media Publishing’s website copywriting experience.

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