Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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Why Market Research + Social Listening Matters

by | Apr 19, 2021 | 0 comments

Chances are, there are tons of other brands that are similar to yours. Right? 

However, what makes yours different? 

These days, I believe many businesses are caught up in too many trends and shiny tools in technology that effective strategies are going untouched. 

When you’re doing more online consumption than market research and social listening, your brand will sound like everyone else….and your audience will feel neglected. 

This makes me think of the ’90s song “Virtual Insanity” by Jamiroquai – you know the song with those cool futuristic video elements…(I still think it’s pretty neat). 

This song was made long before the internet was popular and long before social media existed.

He’s sharing how the dangers of being engulfed in the digital world could lead to everyone tuning out reality. 

However, in terms of digital marketing, it’s a reminder that there’s a lot of noise out there. If you aren’t careful, it can easily overpower what your audience is trying to tell you. 

As a brand copywriter, it’s important that I ask my clients open-ended questions to get to the root of their brand’s purpose, mission, facts, and everything in between. 

This week, I want you to truly think about what makes your brand different.

Take a moment to also re-evaluate the content on your website, your email list, or in your sales copy. 

If this copy sounds like everyone else, let’s chat…

I’d love to get you on the right track with high-level copywriting that drives people to engage and take action. 

Remember, your brand started with a unique idea. Don’t give that all up by blending in with the crowd. 

Click here to grab a spot on my calendar to share your goals and needs with high-level copywriting for your brand. 

Talk soon,

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