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How to Make Your Website Copy Stand Out in 2023

by | May 15, 2023 | 0 comments

Have you ever wondered how the power of words on your website can transform your online coaching business?

Over the years, we’ve seen the online coaching industry evolve and grow in exciting ways. Amid this dynamic environment, your website stands as your digital storefront, your brand’s home base. And the words you use there? Well, they are your welcoming committee.

The right website copy doesn’t just inform; it engages, connects, and converts. It’s not just about stringing together catchy phrases or industry jargon, but about crafting a conversation that reflects who you are, what you offer, and why it matters to your potential clients.

So, are you ready to unlock the hidden potential of your website copy? If so, then let’s jump in and chat about it.


1. Be authentic, be you

There’s nothing more magnetic than authenticity. Your clients are yearning for a genuine connection, and that begins with your copy. It should reflect your unique personality, echo your core values, and above all, feel relatable.

Say you’re a health coach with a zeal for plant-based diets – let your copy echo your love for veggies and whole foods. Or maybe you’re a life coach with a knack for mindfulness practices – let that serenity permeate your words. When you communicate authentically, you build trust, and trust is the cornerstone of conversion!

2. Make it a two-way conversation

Your website is your online living room where engaging conversations happen! Your copy should encourage your audience to engage, interact, and contribute. Pose thought-provoking questions, solicit their thoughts on your latest podcast episode, or inquire about the challenges they’d like you to address in your upcoming webinars. This interactive approach not only sustains interest but also forges a sense of belonging around your brand.

3. Highlight the transformation

Your clients aren’t merely purchasing a service; they’re investing in transformation. Their yearning for a better version of themselves or their situation is what drives them to your coaching services.

For instance, if you’re a fitness coach, illustrate the renewed energy and body positivity that comes with achieving fitness goals. If you’re a business coach, portray the pride and satisfaction when a client expands their business. Create a vivid, enticing picture of the destination, and they’ll be thrilled to journey with you.

4. Use storytelling

Stories have a profound way of connecting us. They captivate, inspire, and leave lasting imprints in our minds. Blend storytelling into your copy to make your message unforgettable.

Share your transition from a 9-5 grind to a celebrated career coach, or recount the hurdles you overcame to become a revered life coach. Maybe you’re a wellness coach who conquered a personal health crisis using the practices you now teach. Each story is an emotional tether that can resonate deeply with your audience.

5. Keep it simple and jargon-free

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. There’s no need to festoon your copy with fancy words or industry jargon to sound professional.

If you’re a wellness coach advocating “holistic health,” explain it in layman’s terms. Talk about the balance between physical fitness, emotional stability, and mental peace. If you’re an executive coach discussing “strategic decision-making,” break it down into simple, digestible ideas. Clear, concise communication resonates deeply and leads to conversions.

6. Incorporate social proof

People tend to rely on the experiences of others when making decisions. By incorporating testimonials, success stories, and positive reviews into your website copy, you enhance your credibility and assure potential clients they’re making a wise choice.

If you’re an executive coach, share stories of clients who’ve risen through the ranks thanks to your coaching. If you’re a mindset coach, share testimonials of clients who’ve transformed.

Your website copy is more than just words on a screen – it’s your brand’s virtual voice, your digital persona, and your online handshake.

It’s easy to become lost in the sea of digital noise, but with the right tools and mindset, your voice can rise above the crowd, resonating with the hearts of your potential clients. The conversational website copy approach isn’t just about sounding friendly or casual; it’s about creating a sense of connection, trust, and community. It’s about demonstrating your authenticity, showcasing the transformative power of your services, and telling your story in a way that strikes a chord with your audience.

At the end of the day, conversational website copy can be your ticket to higher engagement, stronger relationships, and increased conversions.

Remember, the ultimate goal is to make your audience feel seen, heard, and valued. When you achieve that, you’re not just a coach; you’re a trusted partner in their journey towards transformation.

Would you like more freshly brewed insights from me about leveraging the power of storytelling in your coaching business?

Click here to subscribe to my weekly email “Notes from a Story-Seller’s Desk.”

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