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8 Overused & Cliché Phrases Online Coaches Should Avoid in Marketing

by | Feb 7, 2023 | 0 comments

Relying on overused and cliché phrases can detract from the impact of your message. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most commonly overused marketing phrases in the online coaching industry and suggest alternative phrases that can better communicate the unique value you bring to the table.

Now, I’m mentioning eight words in this blog post. However, the first one may be one of the biggest overused words.

This word is: VALUE:

You can call me crazy, but this word makes me wince every time I hear it. And I’m sure I’m not alone!

In the world of online coaching, the word “value” is used often to the point of overuse. Whether it’s in email marketing, social media posts, or website copy, the term “value” seems to be the go-to word for online coaches looking to promote their services.

I’m saying this because I want you to be authentic in your marketing and not rely on buzzwords that may not accurately reflect the true benefits of their services.

So, what can you do instead of relying on the overused word “value?”

The answer is to focus on specific, tangible benefits that clients can expect from working with them. For example, instead of saying “I provide value,” an online coach could say “I help my clients increase their productivity by 20% in just six months.”

This specific, quantifiable result is much more impactful and convincing than a generic statement about providing “value.”

Now, let’s move on the other overused words and phrases:

Transformational: Instead of using the overused phrase “transformational,” try using a phrase like “life-changing,” This can convey the same impact while avoiding the feeling of cliché.

Game-changer: Instead of using the overused phrase “game-changer,” try using phrases like “innovative,” “revolutionary,” or “disruptive.” These alternative phrases can help convey the significance of your services while avoiding the feeling of cliché.

Expert: Instead of using the overused phrase “expert,” try using phrases like “authority,” “pioneer,” or “leader.” These alternative phrases can better convey your expertise and experience while avoiding the feeling of just being another marketing ploy.

Unique: Instead of using the overused phrase “unique,” try using phrases like “unlike any other,” “stands out,” or “distinctive.” These alternative phrases can better communicate the specific ways in which your services differ from others while avoiding the feeling of being a vague, generic term.

Proven: Instead of using the overused phrase “proven,” try using phrases like “successful,” “established,” or “validated.” These alternative phrases can better convey the effectiveness of your approach while avoiding the feeling of just being another marketing buzzword.

Results-driven: Instead of using the overused phrase “results-driven,” try using phrases like “goal-oriented,” “outcome-focused,” or “result-focused.” These alternative phrases can better communicate your focus on delivering results to clients while avoiding the feeling of being just another marketing cliché.

Cutting-edge: Instead of using the overused phrase “cutting-edge,” try using phrases like “state-of-the-art,” “cutting-edge,” or “innovative.” These alternative phrases can better communicate your innovative approach or the latest technology you use while avoiding the feeling of just being another marketing buzzword.

Hopefully, this is helpful. By using alternative phrases that better communicate the unique value you bring to the table, you can differentiate yourself from other people in your field and build a reputation for delivering real value to your clients.

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