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3 Compelling Subject Lines to Spark Subscriber Open Rates

by | May 19, 2020 | 0 comments

When was the last time most of your email subscribers actually opened your email?

This is a big deal!

When it comes to your brand’s email list open and click rates matter. They both tell you how valuable and engaging your content actually is.

In fact, most open rates between 15 to 25 percent are great!

But how do you get there?

Well, besides having valuable and engaging copy inside the email, you must have a catchy and engaging subject line. Your subject line is the first thing your subscribers see when you pop into their inbox, so it’s important that you make it stand out.

To start, I like to think of email subject lines like a Twitter post. Meaning, that you should be able to say a whole lot with very few words.

For email subject lines, I like to stick between 8 or 9 words. Emojis are also a good element to add in for an extra pop. However, you should only use these as needed and don’t use so many at one time in your subject line.

Now, let’s jump into those 3 compelling subject lines.


Right off the bat, you want to hook your subscribers with a line that immediately tells them, “You’ve got to check this out now!”

For instance, saying something like “ONLY 3 spots left!” or “Ending SOON!”


Curiosity subject lines are good for adding a bit of mystery.

For instance, saying something like “This one tool changed my business this year” or “How to gain confidence as a creative.”

These both scream, “I want more!” to the subscriber. They want to know where you’re taking them in your email copy.


Trust me, when I say talking about trending topics to your audience is a plus. Believe it or not, they want to know what you think about a certain feature, tool, or statistic in your niche.


Because it impacts them. If they already trust your valuable advice, chances are they are ready to lean in and read more of what you have to say.

So, for instance, you can say something like “Linkedin’s new poll feature could change the direction of your business” or something like “This is why you should use Instagram LIVE.”

While all of these subject lines are different, they all do the same thing and that is to:

Spark engagement and conversions.

Remember these are the main reasons why you started your list.

You want to give value while also receiving conversions on your latest offers and the way that you give value is by including a storytelling element inside.

Have more questions about leveraging your email list?

Let’s chat! Send me an email at: info@chayilmediapublishing.com.

I’d love to hear from you!

– Danielle Wallace, Your Strategic Brand Storyteller

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