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Email Welcome Sequences = Bingeable Content

by | Jun 14, 2021 | 0 comments

Have you ever wished that you could get your potential customers or clients to binge your brand’s content?

You know, binging someone’s content is a sure-fire way of getting to know their brand better and feeling comfortable to reach out to them for support.

The easiest way to do this is with a welcome sequence for your email subscribers.

If you’re watching and have an email list, but your new subscribers are quick to unsubscribe, there is a solution…And that’s with your welcome sequence.

I’ve mentioned quite a few times here that email marketing is still very much alive and this is yet another reason why.

Gaining momentum on your email list requires you not to leave people hanging.

Having a welcome sequence for your new subscribers is essentially like welcoming them into a brick and mortar store.

You know – it’s like giving them a warm welcome when they walk in, show them around, and share some exciting things with them. Right?

Well, the same goes for your welcome sequence – you want to welcome them into your community.

Email subscribers are special, which means you should go the extra mile for them with these welcome sequences – welcoming, educating, shifting their perspectives, directing them to your services or products or any other parts of your website.

To sum it all up:

If you have quality bingeable content in your welcome sequence, your subscribers will look forward to future emails.

At the end of the day, welcoming someone to your email list is far more than inviting them to sign up to your list for your freebie and leaving them hanging.

This doesn’t help anyone…

It doesn’t help you in terms of having a valuable subscriber and it’s not helping the subscriber in terms of actually receiving the necessary guidance they need from you.

I talk a lot about standing out here, because I believe that you are the leader of a powerhouse brand…

The key to being a powerhouse brand is extracting all of your unique attributes and flipping them into cohesive, sales-driven narratives.

So, as we approach the 3rd quarter of the year, I encourage you to take a close look at how you’re welcoming people into your email list…

Ask yourself, ‘do I have a welcome sequence?” or “does my welcome sequence need revamping?”

If you need support with amplifying your welcome sequence, I’m here to support you.

Send me an email at: info@chayilmediapublishing.com to share your goals and needs with me and of course, I’ll answer any questions you may have…

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