Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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End Content Creation Frustration

by | Feb 28, 2022 | 0 comments

I know just how overwhelming it can be listening to all the “gurus” about content creation. 

It’s super easy to get stuck doing “all the things,” worrying about algorithms, or how many people are subscribed to your email list.

Frustration and stress only come from this rabbit hole of advice.

Here’s the thing: 

There is a solution to end content creation overwhelm: 

And that ONE thing is Storytelling. 

Around here, I’m constantly harping about storytelling because as a former TV news reporter, I know the power of a compelling story. 

These days as a copywriter and content strategist, this concept remains true. 

Compelling stories in your marketing strategy is the ultimate way to bridge the gap between you and your audience. 

Stories are memorable and they’re a great way to show empathy. 

But how do you unlock key stories within your brand? 

Well, it all boils down to real-life scenarios. 

These scenarios can be from your personal life or your actual business. 

Now, you’re wondering, “Danielle, how do pull out these amazing stories?”

I get it.

And my answer to you is to pay attention to the people, places, and experiences around you.

If something stands out to you, jot down the experience on a notepad or on your phone.

It doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out note.

Simply write down 3 main points and the takeaway you’d like your audience to gain.

This is literally what I did when arriving at the scene of breaking news.

The key is to always circle your story back around to your audience. 

This week, I’m challenging you to write down 3 things from your personal life and 3 things from your business that could actually be turned into storytelling content.

Tell me, do you plan to try this?

I’d love to know.

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