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Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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You Can’t Overhaul Your Brand Overnight

by | Oct 21, 2021 | 0 comments

Some of the BEST advice I’ve EVER received was several years ago, from one of my college TV news managers.

He said, “Always do something creative every day.”

While it’s EASY for me to be creative, this really struck a chord with me. Especially because of the season I was in at the time.

When he said this, I was a recent college grad, working my first job as a TV news reporter and driving an hour to and from work.

It was usually almost midnight when I made it home.

Needless to say, I was TIRED.

After returning home each night, I tried to squeeze in time for creative projects, even though I was exhausted.

As a perfectionist, I had to get comfortable with not getting A LOT done.

Whew, that was tough!!

However, I chose to give myself grace and said “Danielle, just do one thing every day to get closer to your goals.

And here I am today, working in the capacity that I dreamed of, by doing just one thing every day while I was a busy reporter.

I say all this to remind you to give yourself some grace…

You can’t do it all in a short amount of time.

2022 will be here soon but that doesn’t mean you need to be hard on yourself about the goals you didn’t achieve.

Everything will come together when you do the work consistently.

During quarter 4, I’m challenging you not to try to overhaul your business overnight.

FOCUS on one little thing every day to reach your BIG goals.

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