Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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Why No One is Subscribing to your Email List

by | Mar 23, 2022 | 0 comments

So, you just found the right template on Canva for your freebie – spent hours editing it, shared the juicy details all over social media, but once it’s put out there…


Your target audience is not subscribing to your freebie.

I GET it.

I started creating freebies in 2015 for a Digital Magazine that I run (Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman).

In fact, my email list increased by 50% within 7 days of introducing my recent freebie (did you get your hands on it yet?)

Before I tell you what I do to make my freebies irresistible, let’s understand why no one is subscribing to your email list. Ask yourself “Is the freebie solving one of the burning pain points of my Target Audience?”

Here are a few ways to know the top pain points of your Target Audience that you must know before creating freebies:

  1. Go to Facebook or LinkedIn groups (where your ideal clients hang out) and carry out Market Research. 
  2. Make use of Polls on Instagram/ LinkedIn or quick surveys of your current email list subscribers

My Pro Tip: Make sure to genuinely ask questions that your target audience will love answering. 

You can offer the volunteers gift cards of $10 or $25 to get them on a quick chat session to ask all your questions. You can use this method if you offer high-paying coaching or digital products.

One critical thing I made sure of was knowing the needs of my target audience. I map out everything on paper before spending hours on Canva to add life to my freebies. 

But that’s not all, I can do more to help you.

Need to amplify your email copy with done-for-you support? 

Chayil Media Publishing’s VIP Copy Week is your opportunity to get copy for your email sequences done in ONE week. 

Click here for more details and apply for your VIP Copy Week.

During our 20-minute Zoom Call, we’ll chat about your email marketing goals and needs for your next copy project. 

Talk soon, 

Danielle- Your strategy-obsessed storytelling enthused copywriter. 

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