Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

Download the free copywritting guide







Missing out on your most-aligned clients or customers because you aren’t sure which words would actually connect with them.


Do you have an endless list of projects awaiting your attention and writing clever sentences simply isn’t the best use of your time?


Do you find that no matter how many times you rewrite your website copy it never sounds quite right?


Settling for smaller sales because your audience doesn’t understand the value and experience of working with you.


Do you love talking about your business but can’t find the right words when you’re sitting in front of the keyboard?


You’ve been meaning to update your website copy for months, but you don’t have the time.

It’s time for you to be seen and heard online.


Your business is great, but if your website isn’t pulling its weight, you’re missing out on clients or customers. 

See, when your words hit the mark, people understand you. They see why you’re different from your competition. Instead of being another name on Google, you’re the solution they’ve been looking for. 

For instance, how many times have you landed on a website and thought, “What are they even selling?” Or worse, “Why should I care?” Great words answer those questions before your visitors have a chance to ask them.

Oh, and while your spruced-up website is out there doing its thing 24/7, you get to focus on what you actually like doing in your business.

No more staring at a blank page, trying to figure out what to say. No more second-guessing if your message is clear enough. Your website becomes your hardest-working employee, never taking a day off.

Solid copy means waking up to new leads in your inbox because your website was selling your stuff while you slept. It means potential clients or customers coming to you already convinced that you’re the right choice. 

To be more exact, IMAGINE YOURSELF…


Checking your calendar and seeing it filled with new client bookings from your website.


Catching yourself humming happily while answering emails from interested prospects who actually understand what you offer.


Booking that dream vacation without a second thought, knowing your website’s handling business while you’re gone.


Blinking in surprise when you realize you haven’t had a “slow month” since your new website copy went live.


Noticing how your discovery calls have shifted from “What do you do?” to “When can we start?”


“Your website’s words matter. They’re either reeling the right people in or scaring them off.”


Book a disvovery call

Partner with a Story-Seller


directly to your ideal customer or client.



Brain picking

Me digging into the nuts and bolts of your business (you bring the scoop!).


A trusted partnership

A working relationship built on honesty, open communication, and shared goals (we’re in this together).


Speaking directly to your audience

Words that make your ideal client or customer go, “Wow, it’s like they read my mind!”



Quick fixes

Overnight success (good things take time, and great copy is no exception).


Cookie-cutter solutions

One-size-fits-all writing (your business is unique, and your copy should be too)


Confusing jargon

Fancy words that confuses your audience instead of helps them understand your bottom line.

Let’s make your business a reality with ease, joy and flow

"Danielle is a genuine soul who takes time to listen and understand before offering direction – something I truly appreciate."

 She was able to take all of my ideas, concepts, wishes, and desires and transform them in such a concise and understandable way.”

Melissa Garn – Founder of Inspired Leadership


"It was a pleasure working with Sophia. She is easy to communicate with, follows the project brief and delivers exceptional work.

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Check out what’s waiting for you

The Narrative

($1,125) (20% deposit) 

  • Website Copywriting for Your One Page

Writing your website copy one page. Includes an engaging narrative of on-brand concepts, brand values, researched keywords, and target audience analysis that leads potential customers or clients on a clear path to connecting with your business.

  • 60 Minute Strategy Session

We’re going to start by digging into your brand’s story – you know, the good stuff that makes you different. Then we’ll nail down how you talk and who you’re talking to. Finally, we’ll make it crystal clear how you’re solving your ideal client or customer’s problem.

  • Storytelling Meets Branding Guide

This PDF guide serves as a go-to source for clear messaging across the board in your brand’s content marketing. Includes story starters and story-driven content ideas for email marketing and social media.

  • Wireframe

Structure with copy to give you an idea of how your copy could possibly look on your website.

  • 20 Minute Final Wrap Up Session  

To wrap things up, we’ll jump on a quick call to chat about your brand messaging guide. It’s basically a chance for you to pick my brain about anything in there. I’ll make sure you’re all set to run with it and use it to improve your marketing.

The Novella

($1,250) (20% deposit) 

  • Website Copywriting for Two Pages

Writing your website copy for two pages. Includes an engaging narrative of on-brand concepts, brand values, researched keywords, and target audience analysis that leads potential customers or clients on a clear path to connecting with your business.

  • 60 Minute Strategy Session

We’re going to start by digging into your brand’s story – you know, the good stuff that makes you different. Then we’ll nail down how you talk and who you’re talking to. Finally, we’ll make it crystal clear how you’re solving your ideal client or customer’s problem.

  • Storytelling Meets Branding Guide

This PDF guide serves as a go-to source for clear messaging across the board in your brand’s content marketing. Includes story starters and story-driven content ideas for email marketing and social media.

  • Wireframe

Structure with copy to give you an idea of how your copy could possibly look on your website. 

  • 20 Minute Final Wrap Up Session  

To wrap things up, we’ll jump on a quick call to chat about your brand messaging guide. It’s basically a chance for you to pick my brain about anything in there. I’ll make sure you’re all set to run with it and use it to improve your marketing.

The Novelette

($1,500) (20% deposit) 

  • Website Copywriting for Three Pages

Writing your website copy for three pages. Includes an engaging narrative of on-brand concepts, brand values, researched keywords, and target audience analysis that leads potential customers or clients on a clear path to connecting with your business.

  • 60 Minute Strategy Session

We’re going to start by digging into your brand’s story – you know, the good stuff that makes you different. Then we’ll nail down how you talk and who you’re talking to. Finally, we’ll make it crystal clear how you’re solving your ideal client or customer’s problem.

  • Storytelling Meets Branding Guide

This PDF guide serves as a go-to source for clear messaging across the board in your brand’s content marketing. Includes story starters and story-driven content ideas for email marketing and social media. 

  • Wireframe

Structure with copy to give you an idea of how your copy could possibly look on your website. 

  • 20 Minute Final Wrap Up Session  

To wrap things up, we’ll jump on a quick call to chat about your brand messaging guide. It’s basically a chance for you to pick my brain about anything in there. I’ll make sure you’re all set to run with it and use it to improve your marketing.

The Novel

($2,000) (20% deposit) 

  • Website Copywriting for Four Pages

Writing your website copy for four pages. Includes an engaging narrative of on-brand concepts, brand values, researched keywords, and target audience analysis that leads potential customers or clients on a clear path to connecting with your business.

  • 60 Minute Strategy Session

We’re going to start by digging into your brand’s story – you know, the good stuff that makes you different. Then we’ll nail down how you talk and who you’re talking to. Finally, we’ll make it crystal clear how you’re solving your ideal client or customer’s problem.

  • Storytelling Meets Branding Guide

This PDF guide serves as a go-to source for clear messaging across the board in your brand’s content marketing. Includes story starters and story-driven content ideas for email marketing and social media.

  • Wireframe

Structure with copy to give you an idea of how your copy could possibly look on your website. 

  • 20 Minute Final Wrap Up Session  

To wrap things up, we’ll jump on a quick call to chat about your brand messaging guide. It’s basically a chance for you to pick my brain about anything in there. I’ll make sure you’re all set to run with it and use it to improve your marketing.

The Novel

($2,500) (20% deposit) 

  • Website Copywriting for Five Pages

Writing your website copy for five pages. Includes an engaging narrative of on-brand concepts, brand values, researched keywords, and target audience analysis that leads potential customers or clients on a clear path to connecting with your business.

  • 60 Minute Strategy Session

We’re going to start by digging into your brand’s story – you know, the good stuff that makes you different. Then we’ll nail down how you talk and who you’re talking to. Finally, we’ll make it crystal clear how you’re solving your ideal client or customer’s problem.

  • Storytelling Meets Branding Guide

This PDF guide serves as a go-to source for clear messaging across the board in your brand’s content marketing. Includes story starters and story-driven content ideas for email marketing and social media.

  • Wireframe

Structure with copy to give you an idea of how your copy could possibly look on your website.

  • 20 Minute Final Wrap Up Session  

To wrap things up, we’ll jump on a quick call to chat about your brand messaging guide. It’s basically a chance for you to pick my brain about anything in there. I’ll make sure you’re all set to run with it and use it to improve your marketing.

Do you have questions?


01. How long does the whole process take?

After we have our strategy session, you’ll get your goodies in 14 business days flat. That includes your shiny new website copy, a brand messaging guide to keep everything on track, and a wireframe to show how it all fits together.

02. What's a wireframe?

A wireframe is like a blueprint for your website. It shows where all your shiny new copy will live on each page. It’s a great way to visualize how your words and website design could possibly look together.

03. How do I prepare for our strategy session?

I’ll kick things off by sending you a short questionnaire with 5 key questions. It’s a warm-up for our strategy session – nothing too brain-bending, only stuff to get you thinking about your business in new ways. Fill it out when you’ve got a quiet moment, and send it back to me. I’ll use your answers to make our strategy session super productive.

04. What documents do I need to send you?

Send me anything relevant about your services or products, any existing marketing materials, and your brand guidelines if you have them. If you have a website, share the link. Include some client or customer testimonials if available.

05. How does the revision process work?

After I deliver your copy, I’ll give you access to a shared Google Drive folder. You’ll find all your new copy there. Just go in and highlight and comment on any areas you want changed. No need for lengthy emails – this keeps everything in one spot and makes the revision process smooth. I’ll then work on the highlighted sections and update the documents in the folder. Easy peasy!

06. What if I forget to tell you something important?

Part of my job is asking the right questions to dig up all those important things about your business. Between the questionnaire, our strategy session, and my follow-up questions, we’ll cover all the bases.