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Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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The Truth About Flashy Copywriting and Mediocre Coaching Programs

by | Dec 15, 2023 | 0 comments

If you’re an online coach, obviously you want to wrap your program in the most attractive words possible, hoping to capture the attention of potential clients. But here’s a reality check: No amount of clever wordplay or persuasive sales pitches can compensate for a lackluster coaching program.

Flashy copywriting is like a brilliantly designed book cover. It grabs attention and sparks interest. However, if the pages inside tell a disjointed or unengaging story, readers will close the book, feeling deceived and disappointed. Similarly, a coaching program that relies solely on captivating copy will eventually fall short if it doesn’t deliver real value. Words can open doors, but what lies beyond the threshold is what keeps people inside.

A strong coaching program is rooted in substance. So before investing in copywriting make sure that your program cultivates growth, learning, and transformation. What do I mean by this? Well, you want to have well-structured content, personalized coaching methods, actionable strategies, and genuine support systems.

Great copy is a tool in capturing the essence of what you offer and communicating it effectively to your audience. The copywriting that promotes your program should reflect the actual value and uniqueness of your coaching, creating a bridge of trust and expectation between you and your clients.

During my TV news reporting days, credibility was everything -and the same holds true in my world of copywriting & videos storytelling. So, at the end of the day, if I make promises in your copy that you can’t keep, it’s like airing a story without fact-checking. It undermines your credibility and trust. This is why I can’t stress enough how important it is for your program to delivered the real deal – authentic, impactful, and full of actionable information.

Flashy copywriting might get you noticed, but it’s the substance of your coaching program that will build your legacy. So, again, invest in developing a program that brings real transformation to your clients. Let your copywriting be the honest and enticing invitation to an experience that delivers on its promises.

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