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Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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Here’s the Value of Binge-Worthy Free Content

by | Sep 4, 2022 | 0 comments

I’m sure you have a great service, program, or digital product to offer people.

However, if someone comes across your social media page, sales page, or website for the first time, they’re not going to instantly invest in your offer.


Well, I don’t know about you but it takes me a little time to warm up to someone’s brand before I actually purchase from them. This typically looks like getting to know who they are, being clear on what they do, and if they can indeed help me.

I’ve got to feel confident about making an informed buying decision. So, with that said – you have to build your credibility with your potential clients by providing AMAZING value.

Oftentimes, this is referred to as the “Know, like, trust factor.”

And I firmly believe it reflects the REAL definition of sales – which is simply the art of good conversation. Sales is simply a conversation that involves you showing up as your authentic self to share your expertise and knowledge.

Now, you’re probably wondering, “Danielle, how do I share valuable content that moves people along the buyer’s journey?”

My answer is through your FREE content. Your free content can include the following mediums:

Blog posts – Challenge yourself to publish a blog post on your business website at least once a week.

Opt-In resources for your email list – What’s something that you can create that’s helpful for people who subscribe to your email list? You can create a secret podcast, habit tracker, planner, or eBook. I could go on and on here…

Podcast episodes – Podcast listening continues to grow, so if you have an itch to get your message out there to a greater number of people, then start a podcast and promote it on social media.

YouTube videos – Similar to podcast episodes, YouTube is a great space for you to share your message to reach more people in your target audience. You can extract the audio of your videos and use the audio for podcast episodes.

LIVE videos on social media – LIVE videos are a surefire way to build your credibility. It gives people a chance to engage in real-time conversations with you. It also gives you an opportunity to share how knowledgeable you are on the spot when you answer questions from your audience.

Social media posts – Your posts still matter (even in a world of Instagram reels). Be sure to create strategic social media posts that speak directly to your audience.

When these are strategically created, they’re binge-worthy for your audience. For instance, there have been several people who I’ve spoken with that mentioned how they’ve binged my social media content or podcast episodes before reaching out to me.

While free content builds your credibility, don’t spill all the tea when it comes to your secrets. In other words, don’t make “How to” content the foundation of your free content.

If you’re sharing “How to” content all the time, then it’s pointless for people to actually invest in your offers. Think outside the box and get creative!

Let me know if this is helpful for you.

Drop in the comments and let me know.

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