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The Buyer’s Journey: How Video Can Help Sell Your Online Program or Course

by | Jan 24, 2023 | 0 comments

When it comes to marketing your online program or course, it’s important to understand the different stages of buying that your ideal clients go through. These stages include:

Awareness: This is the stage where your ideal clients become aware of their problem or need and start searching for solutions. This is the stage where they are not familiar with the problem they have or the solution you offer. This is the stage where you need to create awareness of the problem and the solution you offer.

Interest: Once they are aware of their problem or need, they’ll start to research and become interested in different solutions. They will start to look for information about the problem, and the different solutions that are available. At this stage, it is important to provide them with valuable information that will help them understand the problem and the benefits of your solution.

Evaluation: During this stage, they’ll evaluate different options and compare the pros and cons of each. They will compare the features, benefits and costs of the different solutions they have found. This is the stage where you need to differentiate your solution from others and show them why your solution is the best choice.

Purchase: Once they’ve evaluated their options, they’ll make a decision and purchase the solution that best meets their needs. This is the stage where you need to make it easy for them to make the purchase and remove any objections they may have.

When marketing your program or course, your goal should be to guide your ideal clients through these stages and help them make an informed decision to purchase your program or course. And one of the most effective ways to do this is by using video in your launch – in additon to email and other social media content.

Let’s jump into how you can take your ideal client though those buying stages using video.

Build trust and establish yourself as an authority

Building trust is key in any business relationship, and especially when trying to convert a lead into a paying client. Use video to introduce yourself, share your story, and demonstrate your expertise. This will help to build trust, establish you as an authority in your field and provide a personal touch to your marketing. This can be done through a video series of Q&A’s, video blog, or video testimonials from satisfied clients.

Showcase your program or course

Once your ideal clients trust you, they’ll be more likely to take an interest in your program or course. Use video to showcase what you have to offer. Make sure to highlight the benefits and results your clients can expect. Show them the inside of your program, give them a sneak peek of your course, and let them see the value they will get by investing in your program.

Address objections

Your ideal clients may have objections or concerns about investing in your program or course. Use video to address these objections head-on. This will help to alleviate any concerns and make it easier for your clients to move forward with buying. Show them how you have helped others overcome the same objections, and how your program or course is the solution to their problem.

Create a sense of urgency

People are more likely to buy when they feel like they need to act quickly. Use video to create a sense of urgency by highlighting limited time offers or bonuses. Show them the value of taking action now and the potential loss they will face if they wait. This can be done through countdown videos or exclusive bonuses for early-bird sign-ups.

Provide social proof

People are more likely to buy when they see that others have already bought. Use video testimonials from happy clients to provide social proof. Show them how others have benefited from your program or course and how it has changed their lives. This can be done through video testimonials, case studies, or success stories.

By following these tips, you can use video to guide your ideal clients through the buying journey, increase trust, and showcase the value of your program or course. This will help to convert more leads into paying clients and grow your online coaching business.

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