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Stop Mimicking Social Media Influencers

by | May 22, 2023 | 0 comments

Online coaches are stressed – and it’s no wonder why. With so much noise on social media, that pressures you to show up like influencers, how can you stand out???

With the overwhelming noise on social media, the pressure to show up as influencers is at an all-time high – especially on social media.


This leads most of you all down a rabbit hole that’s leading to burnout – and you’re not even focusing on this like your email marketing or making sure your messaging on your website is truly clear and cohesive.

When you have good content, your ideal client will find you, so let’s dig into some more reasons why this is important.

The value proposition divide

Influencers and coaches both play influential roles online, but they do so in vastly different ways. Influencers are trendsetters and brand promoters, while online coaches inspire change, foster growth, and offer invaluable guidance.

Instead of competing with influencers on their playground, why not lean into what makes you exceptional as a coach? Your unique insights and expertise are the way to go.

Quality over quantity

In the influencer world, the focus is often on follower count – the more, the better. However, in the coaching industry, it’s not about reaching the masses. It’s about reaching the right people.

Building deep, authentic relationships with a select group of dedicated followers can be far more rewarding (and less stressful!) than chasing a six-figure follower count. Your motto should be about making an impact, not just amassing numbers.

The Authenticity Advantage

While influencers often project an aspirational lifestyle, as a coach, your power lies in authenticity and relatability.

Your audience is in search of genuine guidance, support, and inspiration. So, share your journey and your lessons learned. Authenticity forges stronger bonds with your audience.

Emphasize Guidance, Not Products

Influencers often show off their favorite products from popular brands. It can be tempting to follow suit and showcase physical products that you love and enjoy. However, as a coach, your primary focus should be elsewhere.

Your main offering isn’t a physical product; it’s the transformation you offer through your wisdom, experience, and guidance. Therefore, your content should mirror this focus. It’s not about promoting the latest fashion or beauty product, but about providing valuable insights, tools, and strategies that help your audience overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Remember, as a coach, your ultimate “product” is the growth and success of your clients. Keep this at the forefront of your content strategy, and you’ll naturally distinguish yourself in a feed of product-focused posts.

Clear and consistent messaging

Trying to mirror influencers can lead down a treacherous path filled with inconsistent and confusing messaging.

As an online coach, it’s important for you to establish a clear and consistent message that effectively communicates who you are, what you do, and who you serve. This clarity not only strengthens your brand image but also allows your audience to understand and appreciate your unique value.

Inconsistency in messaging can leave your audience bewildered and unsure about what you truly stand for. Imagine if one day you’re advocating for holistic wellness practices, and the next day you’re endorsing something else. Such mixed messages can erode trust and credibility, leaving your audience feeling uncertain about your intentions.

Also, a clear and consistent message helps you differentiate yourself from the saturated market of online coaches. It allows you to carve out your unique space and showcase your expertise, making it easier for potential clients to understand why they should choose you over others.

So, take the time to define and refine your message. Reflect on your values, your unique approach, and the transformation you offer to your clients. Craft a message that resonates deeply with your target audience, aligns with your authentic self, and sets you apart from the influencer crowd. This clarity will not only attract the right clients but also create a sense of trust and consistency that forms the foundation for long-lasting relationships.

I know, the influencer lifestyle may look shiny and alluring, but it doesn’t have to be your path to success. Embrace your unique coaching style, and you’ll discover that standing out on social media is less about being like others and more about being the best version of you.

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