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Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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Simple Facts Aren’t Enough for Your Sales Copy

by | Feb 10, 2021 | 0 comments

There are many things in business that are life-changing including this belief: 

Your next service or product launch requires a clear and engaging narrative, not a vague outline of facts about your offer. When it comes to launches, it’s easy for you to get caught up in all of the fun of creating your offer. It’s also easy for you to share all of the facts. 

But there’s something missing inside of your sales pages, email copy, and social media. 

That one thing is storytelling. 

All of my clients who I write sales page, email copy, and social media copy for,  adopt this one major belief by not shying away from sharing from all of the key pain points, transformations, and brand story that accompanies their services or products.

The reason why this shift is so powerful is that it fills in the gap to REALLY connecting with your potential clients or customers.

Vague words just don’t cut it. 

Your audience is craving a journey – a narrative that guides them towards realizing “Hey! I need this!”

What do you think – are you ready to have strategic brand storytelling part of your launch copy?

If you are, send me an email at info@chayilmediapublishing.com

I’d love to chat with you about your goals and needs for your next launch.

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