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Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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Secrets to Creating Irresistible Brand Stories

by | Jan 7, 2020 | 0 comments

I love an irresistible story!

Maybe it’s why I spent so many years as a TV reporter to be on the inside of the stories that shaped communities and essentially our world.

Seriously though, storytelling has always been a part of my life since I was a child who was wowed by the stories in the latest Chicken Soup for the Soul series (Anyone remember those?) or whether it was letting my imagination run wild on paper to tell stories of my own.

Stories are constantly shaping our world.

When it comes to your creative brand, there’s undoubtedly a story behind it. Right? There’s a narrative that you’re so inclined to tell but maybe you don’t know how or where to begin. Maybe you’re the owner of a brand that believes that the story behind your brand doesn’t matter.

It does, my friend. It does!

What are the juicy elements to add to your brand story?

It’s all about putting your potential customers or clients first and creating an emotional connection. By this I mean, ensuring them that you relate and understand their problems. You want to speak to their wants and needs.

Think about this, anytime that you have invested into something whether it’s a product or service – you didn’t invest because of “just the product or service.” You invested because of the story behind that product or service and how it could alleviate your problem.

Your potential customers or clients are eager to know your purpose, your why, and your solution.


The secret to keeping them coming back is to actively engage them in how your brand was built. For all brands, this definitely means that you clearly share why you care about serving others in your niche. Your values and purpose should always point back to the people you are serving.

This helps create trust!

There are tons of brands out there that are doing the same thing that you are doing. The secret is that each one including yours has a unique story. It’s up to the owner and team to realize the value of putting their story out there in a clear and engaging way than the rest, rather than plastering up random words on your website that blends in with the rest of those brands.

Where do I share my brand’s story?

The possibilities are endless when it comes to sharing your brand’s story.

As for the digital world, it’s important to note that your brand’s story should maintain a consistent and cohesive picture on your website to your social media channels.

Do you need help creating your brand story? Or maybe it’s time to turn your old brand story into something that truly captures your target audience?

I’m always eager to help savvy creatives just like you with their entire brand messaging that can be infused into your digital content.

Learn more and get started here.

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