Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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What’s the difference between a landing page and a sales page? 

If you have an email list, chances are you have a lead magnet that you’d like your subscribers to get their hands on.


The best way to do this is by having a landing page. 

Landing pages are the home base where people can sign up for your email list and learn a bit more about your lead magnet. 

Now, in terms of your lead magnet, be sure that your lead magnet aligns with your tribe’s needs. Think of it as a valuable resource that gets their mind ready to work with you. 

After someone signs up for your email list, they should instantly have access to your freebie resource and be placed into a nurturing welcome sequence. 

At the end of the day, your landing page is key in securing email subscribers with a valuable lead magnet.

Now, how is a sales page different? 

Sales pages are a longer form page for your paid offers. 

Maybe you have a program, course, or service within your company that you want to spill all the beans about. 

This is where your sales page comes in. Your sales page has multiple calls to actions. It gives all the details and faqs about your offers. 

Essentially it takes people on a journey towards taking action. You want to use sales pages if your offer entails a high commitment. 

Now, I hope this insight is helpful for you.

If it is, be sure to drop in the comments and tell me! Feel free to also share this post with anyone in your business network.

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