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How to Uncover Your Ideal Client’s Frustrations

by | Aug 30, 2022 | 0 comments

When you started your business, you probably were told to create a fictional avatar. You know – those profiles that share all the nitty-gritty details of what “you think” your ideal client’s day-to-day life looks like.

For example, your avatar includes their income, age, and what they possibly do for a living. All of those are great things to think about, but do you truly know what drives them? 

You need to know their biggest pain points. 

Why? Well, if you want to connect and convert your audience, then you must show that you can help them work through their pain points.

Because simply put: Your ideal client wants solutions to their problems. They want their pain eliminated. 

Now, if you don’t quite know how to uncover their pain points, here are a few ideas to get you started: 

  • Talk to them using LIVE videos. What do they most often ask or complain about? 
  • Be nosy inside of Facebook groups and other places your audience hangs out. What are they struggling with?
  • Survey your email subscribers. Pay attention to the words and phrases your readers use to describe their troubles.

I know these ideas work because it’s exactly what I do to get into the minds of my ideal clients. These are a catalyst for creating compelling copy for websites, email campaigns, sales pages, and social copy. 

Additionally, knowing your ideal client’s pain points is the perfect way to do market research. These types of market research can propel your next program or service idea into a mind-blowing offer. 

Furthermore, knowing their pain points will help you avoid working with the wrong type of client. You know those clients who: 

  • Constantly show they aren’t going to do the work or provide the necessary information to you, so they can be taken from point A to B. 
  • Waste time by dwelling on all the reasons why their past service provider’s work didn’t work for them. 
  • Ask the same questions time after time, but don’t actually take action on your advice. 

You don’t want those types of clients on your roster, so get to know your REAL ideal clients well. 

At the end of the day, your job is to help your clients overcome their biggest problems. 

Once you’re able to truly understand what’s holding them back or keeping them frustrated, then you’ll see more conversions in your business. 

Would you like more freshly brewed insights from me about leveraging the power of storytelling in your business?

If so, subscribe to Chayil Media Publishing’s email list “Notes from a Story-Seller’s Desk.”

As a subscriber, you’ll have 10 storytelling content prompts to connect and convert your audience.

Click here to subscribe to “Notes from a Story-Seller’s Desk.” 

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