Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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How to Excite New Email Subscribers

by | Nov 19, 2021 | 0 comments

I know a lot of people are telling you the key to gaining new email subscribers is by giving away something for free, like a checklist or roadmap.

While this is a great idea, there’s more to the process of gaining new email subscribers.

Look, I love a good free resource, but I do believe the connection goes deeper than spending hours behind Canva in exchange for new email addresses to “grow” your email list.

Hear me out.

Some people only subscribe for the freebie.

They have no intention of sticking around…

And then there are people who actually plan to stick around, as long as you’re delivering valuable content.

So, how do you please both?

Well, by having a STRONG welcome sequence in place.

Your welcome sequence is a sure-fire way to make a great first impression on your new subscribers.

It’s an opportunity for you to bond more with them by sharing:

⚡ More of your brand’s story
⚡ Stories from past clients or customers
⚡ Some of your best performing content from social media, blogs, or videos

Think of your welcome sequence like the beginnings of new friendships.

It’s a key element in starting authentic and genuine communication.

I’d love to help you connect and convert your new email subscribers with a FRESH welcome sequence.

Chayil Media Publishing’s email copywriting experience includes:

💥 Strategy sessions to dive into the unique concept behind your emails, brand voice, and target audience

💥 Strategic and authentic email copy that builds brand awareness, nurtures, engages and converts your audience

💥 Powerful subject lines and preview text that excite your dream clients or clients to take action.

Sound great?

Click here to chat with me about your upcoming email campaigns and how my done-for-you email copywriting can support you.

P.S. Be sure to bring your questions. I’ll happily answer them.

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