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How Repetition Amplifies Your Brand’s Voice

by | Jul 17, 2023 | 0 comments

Ever felt that unsettling concern of sounding repetitive in your marketing content?

Maybe you’ve held back from sharing your thoughts on a particular topic, thinking you’ve already mentioned it once or twice before? If you’re nodding your head in agreement, then keep reading…

Look, I understand that you think you may sound like a broken record if you’re repeating yourself in your content. But here’s the thing – repetition isn’t just okay, it’s necessary, especially in the field of online coaching.

Drawing from my background as a former TV news reporter, I can personally attest to the value of repetition. During that time, it quickly became clear to me that important messages needed to be reinforced frequently and consistently for the audience to absorb them. Because here’s the thing, we knew that viewers don’t remember a story after hearing it just once. However, when it’s relayed multiple times throughout the day, it starts to stick.

I apply this principle directly to the world of online coaching and marketing.

And let me share another thing from my reporter days. Yes, I might have covered the same event throughout the day, but each time, the narrative was slightly different, tailored to the specific audience and time slot. Even as you repeat your core message, vary its delivery to keep it fresh and appealing. You don’t want your audience to tune out because they’ve “heard this before.”

Now, think about what makes some songs so catchy – it’s often the chorus that we remember, and it’s no accident. It repeats several times throughout the song. Our brains are designed to respond positively to repetition because it aids in understanding and remembering.

This concept translates perfectly into your coaching content. If you want your audience to recognize your expertise in a particular area, you need to revisit and reiterate your key messages often. The more your audience encounters your insights, the deeper their understanding becomes. Over time, they will begin to associate these specific topics with you, positioning you as an authority.

Where Should You Repeat Your Messages?

Website – Your website is your online home. It’s here that you can detail your coaching philosophy, your services, and your story. Make sure your key messages are woven throughout every page, especially the homepage and about page. And don’t forget your blog posts. Regular content that aligns with your core principles will reinforce your brand’s message.

Emails – The emails you send, whether they’re weekly nurture emails, special promotional offers, or event notifications, should all reflect your core messages. From the subject line to the sign-off, there’s room to reiterate your unique values and mission.

Social media – From Instagram to LinkedIn, each post is an opportunity to reinforce your brand message. Don’t shy away from revisiting core ideas in your social media content. Because honestly, not every follower sees every post.

Online programs and courses – If you’re running webinars or online courses, these are prime opportunities to underscore your brand’s key themes. From the content of the presentation to the materials you distribute, consistent messaging will leave a strong imprint of your brand on attendees.

Speaking opportunities – When speaking on podcasts or any other type of speaking engagement like, webinars, Instagram LIVE’s, special events, have your key talking points in mind. It’s another chance to communicate the essence of your brand to potentially new audiences.

Sales calls – Even your one-on-one interactions with potential clients are an opportunity for repetition. You’re not just selling your services – you’re communicating your brand’s values and unique selling points.

Including repetition across these channels helps you create a cohesive brand image and solidifies your reputation as an expert in your niche. So, don’t hesitate to repeat yourself – in the right places and the right way, it’s one of the most effective tools in your branding toolkit.

Using Repetition Effectively

Consistent core messaging – Identify your central insights or principles. These should serve as the pillars of your content. Continually underline these ideas across different platforms and contexts.

Fresh perspectives – While your core message remains the same, your presentation of it should be different. You can use diverse stories, examples, and contexts to keep your content fresh and engaging.

Audience engagement – Turn repetition into a dialogue. Ask your audience to share their thoughts or experiences related to your key concepts. You’ll be amazed at how this encourages active involvement and helps deepen their understanding.

Patience is key – Repetition is a long-term strategy. Results might not be immediate, but patience and persistence will pay off in the long run.

Repetition as a Strategy

At the end of the day, repetition isn’t a marker of exhausted ideas. It’s an intentional strategy to imprint your message in the minds of your audience. When you continually highlight your core principles and strategies, your personal brand will stand out in the busy online coaching space.

So, now that we’ve discussed the importance of repetition in marketing, you’re probably thinking, “Great, but how do I use repetition effectively? How do I make sure that my brand’s messaging remains fresh yet consistent?”

Well, that’s exactly where I can help with my website copywriting service that goes beyond appealing sentences.

Instead, it’s about building a narrative that’s unique to your brand – a narrative that effectively echoes your key messages.

Each project begins with a 60-minute strategy session. This session allows us to fully understand your brand and identify the core messages that we need to highlight in your website copy.

Once we finish your session, you’ll have a clear understanding of your brand’s direction. Then, it’s time for me to dive into research and strategizing. I’ll take the facts about your brand and transform them into persuasive narratives that engage your audience and encourage action.

My team and I also create a wireframe to show you exactly how your new copy will appear on your website. Seeing your words come to life on the screen will give you a sense of anticipation, knowing that your audience will soon experience the same.

To top it all off, you’ll receive my signature “Storytelling Meets Branding Guide.” This guide is filled with custom-made story starters and content ideas, ready to be used for your social media posts and email marketing campaigns.

By the way, I like to have a final wrap-up call to help you further leverage your new resources.

Are you ready to get started? Let’s talk.

Click here to get started with Chayil Media Publishing’s website copywriting services.

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