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Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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How Can an Effective Brand Story Help My Brand?

by | Jan 15, 2020 | 0 comments

These days we hear the term branding thrown around in the online space so much! Right? 

I’m sure you’ve seen it. 

But let’s be real, there are so many who are only scratching the surface when it comes to branding. The truth is that branding is much more than a pretty website, business cards or aesthetically pleasing Instagram page. 

While all of those things are great, it’s time to focus on the foundation of your brand – your brand story. 


Last week, I shared with you secrets to creating irresistible brand stories. I’m keeping the conversation going by sharing how irresistible brand stories can truly help your brand. 

As someone who works with clients on a day-to-day basis handling their copywriting, blogging, and social media needs, I truly understand the value of visually pleasing content. Honestly, I’m obsessed with it! If you’ve seen my own Instagram pages you would know just what I mean. 

However, I’m also obsessed with how every word of your brand is knitted tightly together to produce an effective story. 

So how can an effective brand story help your brand? 


People want to know that you are insanely knowledgeable about what you do. They want to invest in the best company for the job. In order to do that, you can’t blend in with a “sea of normals.” 

You must be confident in your back-story, your mission, and your purpose to execute an incredible brand story. 


Now, it’s one thing to be seen as an expert but it’s another to be trusted by your potential customer or clients. For instance, maybe you are an expert in your niche. But how efficient are you? How is your customer service stack up? Are you truly going to show up everyday for the people that you’re serving? These are things that you can definitely weave into your brand story.


Every brand got their start from ground zero. How was yours built? This makes me think of one of my favorite podcasts called “How I Built This with Guy Raz.” I love listening to journeys of big box brands that are shared on the show. Each one truly connects with their audience. They each showcase their reason for starting, their struggle, and exciting milestones.

Your potential customers or clients are essentially investing in you or your team! No matter what season your business is in right now, think about how it could be weaved into your brand story. Next week, I’ll be sharing where you can share your brand story online. A special guest will also be joining in on the conversation. 

Meanwhile, if you have any questions or need help with your brand story, click here to learn more and schedule a time to chat.

– Danielle Wallace 

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