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Why Storytelling Matters to Your Brand

by | Jun 10, 2019 | 0 comments

It’s no secret that content is king! However, storytelling sells! As a business owner, it’s essential that you think outside of the box when developing your content marketing strategy.

Your audience prefers to know the story behind the brand. Personally, I know from building my own print and digital magazine brand, that the idea of brand storytelling builds the KNOW.LIKE.TRUST factor with your audience. As a journalist, I know first-hand how this rings true. Our world is built around conversations – genuine conversations. As a business owner if you don’t make those conversations with your audience a priority, then there is no doubt that you will see a decrease in engagement or a nonexistent audience.

Brand storytelling establishes you as an expert! Yes, I know there are tons of other business owners in your niche. But what makes you unique? Everyone has a story to tell and it’s up to you to take advantage of all the tools that allow brand storytelling to be the core of your business.


To start, think of your why.

Why are you in business? Why did you start? Who inspired or inspires you?

These are all questions to start with when establishing brand storytelling into your business’s day-to-day content strategy. Start at the beginning of it all, keep it simple and genuine.


Everywhere! Your brand’s social media pages should have a variety of posts. Not, just the typical salesy posts that your audience is use to. Instead, posts that spark engagement should be curated daily.

While stagnant social media posts are a necessity, it’s time to keep up with the ever-changing world of social media with LIVE videos and Instagram stories. Both of these create higher engagement! Post behind the scenes videos, tease your audience. Keep them engaged in this area and your stagnant posts will see a difference.

Besides social media, your business’s website should be clear, concise, and give a great impression! Dig deep and tell those potential customers or clients who you are and why you’re happy to potentially serve them.

Another way to include brand storytelling in your strategy is by creating an email list that provides valuable information. I’ll say that again “VALUABLE INFORMATION.” Not continuous “salesy” information! A company’s email campaigns should spark curiosity from the moment it pops into someone’s inbox. A catchy subject line followed by a suspenseful preview line will have your subscribers wondering “What’s next?” or “I’ve got to read the rest!” These emails should tell a story and end with a call to action. This is where once again the KNOW. LIKE. TRUST factor comes into play again.

So, savvy business owner don’t be shy! Your audience wants to hear the true story behind your brand. Everything from those exciting moments to those challenging behind the scene moments should be on the forefront of your brand.

Are You Ready to Leverage Your Brand?

Chayil Media Publishing offers variety of solutions to leverage your business’s brand storytelling. Get in touch and let’s chat about the future of your business here.

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