Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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Email Copywriting

3 Common Email Marketing Mistakes

3 Common Email Marketing Mistakes

Email copywriting has become more important than ever before. Email marketing is a huge part of many companies' marketing strategies, and with good reason: it's highly cost-effective and can reach your target audience quickly, easily, and with minimal effort on your...

Are You at a Loss About Email Marketing?

Are You at a Loss About Email Marketing?

I've learned that most people are experiencing the same issue when it comes to amping up their email marketing.  So, I'm popping in here to ask you: Are you struggling with your email copy?  Based on my experience, here are some possible reasons you’re not...

3 Winning Email Opt-in Ideas

3 Winning Email Opt-in Ideas

Hey there, Story-Seller! I'm all about thinking outside the box when it comes to marketing. And you should too - especially when it comes to your email subscribers. Because you want to propel them into soaking up more of your knowledge. It’s all part of the buyer’s...

5 Deadly Email Marketing Sins

5 Deadly Email Marketing Sins

I could talk about the power of email marketing ALL DAY. Seriously. Because I believe your brand's email subscribers are special. They deserve valuable AND exclusive content. Now, if you're looking to step up email marketing in your business, check out these 5 deadly...

Reprogram How You Think About Email Marketing

Reprogram How You Think About Email Marketing

I love social media.  But email marketing comes first. And I’m afraid TOO many people are burning the wick at both ends with social media only to be burnt out, frustrated, and ready to throw in the towel with their business.  Maybe you’re seeing less...