Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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3 Common Email Marketing Mistakes

3 Common Email Marketing Mistakes

Email copywriting has become more important than ever before. Email marketing is a huge part of many companies' marketing strategies, and with good reason: it's highly cost-effective and can reach your target audience quickly, easily, and with minimal effort on your...

3 Steps to Building a Booked Out Brand

3 Steps to Building a Booked Out Brand

Oftentimes, a lot of business owners reach out to me to work with them as their copywriter and story strategist because they’re also impressed with how I show up online.I can’t count how many times people have said how I’m very visible and consistent with my messaging...

Here’s the Value of Binge-Worthy Free Content

Here’s the Value of Binge-Worthy Free Content

I’m sure you have a great service, program, or digital product to offer people. However, if someone comes across your social media page, sales page, or website for the first time, they’re not going to instantly invest in your offer. Why? Well, I don’t know about you...

How to Uncover Your Ideal Client’s Frustrations

How to Uncover Your Ideal Client’s Frustrations

When you started your business, you probably were told to create a fictional avatar. You know - those profiles that share all the nitty-gritty details of what “you think” your ideal client’s day-to-day life looks like.For example, your avatar includes their income,...

Are You at a Loss About Email Marketing?

Are You at a Loss About Email Marketing?

I've learned that most people are experiencing the same issue when it comes to amping up their email marketing.  So, I'm popping in here to ask you: Are you struggling with your email copy?  Based on my experience, here are some possible reasons you’re not...

3 Marketing Myths to Stop Believing Today

3 Marketing Myths to Stop Believing Today

I’m going to give it to you straight because, in this day and age, it’s easy to get bombarded with information and feel overwhelmed. In those conditions, it’s easy to let things slide, put things off, and plain old neglect them.  So here are three marketing myths to...

3 Winning Email Opt-in Ideas

3 Winning Email Opt-in Ideas

Hey there, Story-Seller! I'm all about thinking outside the box when it comes to marketing. And you should too - especially when it comes to your email subscribers. Because you want to propel them into soaking up more of your knowledge. It’s all part of the buyer’s...

2 Brand Messaging Pitfalls to Avoid

2 Brand Messaging Pitfalls to Avoid

Hey there, Story-Seller! Self-doubt has an annoying way of showing up in your coaching business. You’ve encountered it time after time… Heck - maybe you’re battling it right now, before a coaching call. You’re not alone. It’s the culprit of keeping you down in your...