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Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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Are You at a Loss About Email Marketing?

by | Aug 15, 2022 | 0 comments

I’ve learned that most people are experiencing the same issue when it comes to amping up their email marketing. 

So, I’m popping in here to ask you: Are you struggling with your email copy? 

Based on my experience, here are some possible reasons you’re not getting the results you so desperately want. 

Many of them aren’t tactical but start with mindset: 

🚩  Reason #1 –Waiting for the perfect moment. 

There’s no “perfect” time to start regularly communicating with your email subscribers. Don’t wait until you have a certain amount of social media connections to actively build your email list. 

Start building now. 

Funnel the connections that you already have into your email list with a solid strategy. Challenge yourself to promote your email list at least once a week. 

🚩 Reason #2  – Being discouraged by unsubscribers

I once felt this way back in 2014 when I started my first email list for a blog that’s now a digital magazine.

However, I quickly learned that unsubscribers were doing me a favor. It allowed me to see who actually wanted to hear from me AND it helped my open and click rates. 

The right people will open your emails. So, don’t get discouraged and ghost your audience. 

🚩 Reason #3 – You’re afraid to sell within your emails.

Look, if people didn’t want to be sold to, then they wouldn’t have signed up for your email list. 

When someone subscribes to your email list, they expect to receive value and learn more about your offers. Now, you’re probably wondering:

“How do I do this?” or “How do I find balance?”

Well, the key is to have content pillars – just like do on social media. Make sure you’re sharing content that builds your authority, inspires, educates, engages, and sells. The goal is to continually build your know, like, and trust factor. 

Lastly, don’t give up!  Remember, everything is a journey. Your email list will grow and your subscribers will convert. 

You just have to commit.

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