Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Email Marketing

by | May 24, 2021 | 0 comments

Social media isn’t the only way to for your business or organization to stay visible.

Just like a lot of things in this online space, there are certain elements that must work together.

I believe that social media and email marketing can work together to benefit your brand or organization in terms of engaging and building relationships with your audience.

However, social media alone shouldn’t be the end all be all…

So, what’s the cost of not having an email list?

Let’s jump right in…

To start, if you’re neglecting email marketing, you’re probably putting all your eggs in one basket with social media which isn’t good.

Not only do you own your email list but sending your email campaigns to people who have subscribed to your list has a greater reach. I’m sure you’re also familiar with social media outages. This can cause major frustration if you have a course or program launch that you would like to share with your followers.

Secondly, your audience doesn’t really “know” you if you’re neglecting email marketing.

Yes, they know you from social media, but everyone wants to get to know a brand on a personal level. Right?

This is where email marketing comes in.

I firmly believe your email list should be treated in a special way to build that know, like, and trust factor.

After all, they took a precious moment out of their day to subscribe to your list. They want to get to know you better.

Lastly, you’re leaving money on the table if you’re neglecting email marketing.

Why share and promote a special event, course or program launch only to your social media followers?

Look, this goes back to building your know, like, trust, factor.

If you’re reaching your email list consistently, it won’t seem out of place to your subscribers when there is a strong call to action involved to buy or sign up for something that you’re offering. They already see you as a passionate authority in your niche.

Now, you’re probably thinking, “Danielle, why I can’t I just do this with social media followers?”

Well, here’s the deal:

If you want to prime the mind of your audience for an offer, Introduce the offer to them, and send out those engaging email funnels during a launch then email marketing is key.

It’s also key for getting great feedback from surveys or questions.

People actually respond to those and the feedback is definitely worth implementing. It makes them feel special. Your subscribers want to know that you truly care about guiding them in the right direction for their problems to be solved.

I hope all of this helpful for you!

If you’re thinking about including email marketing in your content strategy or re-launching your email list after not emailing your subscribers for a long period of time, let’s chat.

My email copy packages are for you if you’re ready to engage or re-engage your email list.

Click here to schedule a 20-minute chat with me where I can learn more about your goals and needs in terms of reaching your audience with done-for-you high-level copywriting.

I’ll also happily answer any questions that you may have.

Talk soon! – Danielle

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