Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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I could talk about the power of email marketing ALL DAY.


Because I believe your brand’s email subscribers are special.

They deserve valuable AND exclusive content.

Now, if you’re looking to step up email marketing in your business, check out these 5 deadly email marketing sins…

I want you to avoid these email sins – or stop making them a habit.

Let’s take a closer look:

1. Not listening to your audience

Your ideal clients or customers are on your email list for a reason. 

They’re waiting on you to show up with REAL value…

Not fluffy content…

But content that shifts their perspective about certain topics AND addresses any objections they may have around your offers. 

Find out what they want by ASKING them. 

2. Lack of storytelling, overly salesy

Trust me when I say, your ideal customers or clients could unsubscribe from your email list if you’re being overly salesy. 

Sure, selling in every email is FINE. 

But storytelling is the ultimate way to connect and convert. 

It allows you to market with authenticity and empathy. 

3. No email marketing strategy

I can’t stress this enough. If you don’t have a strategy where will you go?

4. Comparing your brand to the next

Let’s be real, everything doesn’t work for everyone and your brand’s journey is different from others. 

Leave comparison and envy out of the picture. 

Just because someone else has thousands or hundreds more people on their email list, doesn’t mean they’re more successful than you are. 

5. Ghosting email subscribers

If you’re going ghost on your email subscribers because you don’t know what to say to your audience

Maybe you don’t know what to say to your email subscribers…

OR maybe you feel as though there’s not enough time in the week for you to connect with your email subscribers. 

I get it…

But you can’t leave your potential clients or customers hanging. 

I don’t care if you have 2, 20, 200, or thousands of subscribers – connect with them. 


Are you guilty of any of these sins? 

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