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Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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3 Ways to Make Your Brand’s Content Stand Out

by | Apr 23, 2020 | 0 comments

“How can we be better than the competition?”

That’s something I heard a lot while working in television news as a reporter. It’s something I also still hear in the content marketing space working with brands who have all of the bright intentions of successfully beating the competition by driving tons of traffic to their website and social media pages.

Can it be done?  Absolutely! 

What does it take? It requires one simple thing – pure commitment.

This is a must, which leads me to 3 ways for your brand’s content to stand out. 


It seems as though this tops every list in the rules for brands everywhere. Seriously though, you have to know your target audience. If you don’t truly know your ideal customer or client, then your content will reach the wrong people or no one at all. It’s important that you figure out who these consumers are, what they like, what they don’t like, and the problems they need to be solved. 


I know you’ve heard that you must include your brand’s story in the mix of your content. This is true, especially if you want to be remembered as an authentic and relatable brand. But I want you to remember, that’s it not all about you and your team.

At the end of the day, your customers or clients matter the most. This is why it’s important not to neglect their story. You want to position them as the hero of their story. This points back to point number one “Knowing Your Target Audience.” You want to know everything about them and in their story share how your brand can provide a solid solution to their problems.

If you want to know more about this, I highly suggest that you read “Building a StoryBrand” by Donald Miller. I initially listened to the audio version but there were so many great nuggets, that I had to get the actual book and you should too! 


When it comes to your brand’s content, the days are over when you can set it and forget it. Yes, that means everything from your blog posts, email newsletters, to your social media posts. Scheduling everything is great for streamlining the creative process but you must show up. 

How do you do this? 

Besides engaging in the comments of your recent social media posts, show up in videos for your audience. These can be recorded, LIVE, or short snippets in your Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook stories. 

If you’re wondering what to talk about in these videos start with sharing tips that your audience will find valuable, preview something that you’re working on, tease a topic that you’re working on for your next blog post or IGTV series. 

The list is endless in ways that you can show up. 

When people see your videos or behind the scene content it humanizes your brand. 

If you have a team, think outside of the box in terms of how your team can show up as well.

If these tips are helpful, comment below and share your thoughts. I’d love to hear from you. 

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