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3 Missing Pieces in Your Email Sales Campaign

by | Jan 10, 2021 | 0 comments

Buzzing with excitement about a new product or service that you plan to launch this year?

Well, before sharing all the juicy details, you’ll want to have a solid strategy for your email sales campaign. Trust me, you don’t want your launch to be difficult because of a lack of clarity in your brand messaging.

That’s just one reason why I’m sharing with you 3 things your email sales campaign is missing.

1. Teaching Moments 

What’s the likelihood of someone investing in your product or service with a sequence of simply sharing that you have something new with a link to buy in? 

The chances are very low because you haven’t taken the time to nurture your audience. 

After introducing your offer in one email and sharing why it’s beneficial or how it can indeed change their lives, you’ll want to follow up with an email that educates. 

How is this done? 

Equipping them with a few tips or common mistakes that you’ve seen your target audience makes. The key is to tie this valuable information back to your offer. 

2. Transform 

Your ideal customer or client is looking for a transformation. 

Now it’s up to you to clearly articulate the value of your offer and the transformation on the other side. They want to know if the grass is greener on the other side. 

I love to start these with a few things your audience is struggling or something they’re finding to be challenging.

3. Social Proof 

The proof is in the pudding, right? 

I don’t know about you, but I always feel more at ease when I see how a brand has helped others. Yes, I’m that person who spends a few minutes reading reviews on a brand’s site or social media pages. 

It’s important that I see how a brand has truly transformed another person’s life. 

When it comes to your email sales campaigns you’ll want to include an email that showcases your best testimonials. 

This can be in written form or a short video.

People want to hear from REAL people. 

I hope these tips are helpful for you.

If you’re launching a new product or service this year, I’d love to help you deliver high-level engaging copywriting to your audience. 

Chayil Media Publishing’s Storytelling Meets Branding Launch Experience is accepting new clients. 

This 2-week done-for-you copywriting experience supports your product or service launch from start to finish with a powerful sales page, email sequence, Instagram, and Facebook social media copy. 

If you’re looking to your next launch with cohesive, sales-driven narratives the Storytelling Meets Branding Launch Experience is for you. 

Click here to find out more exciting details about how this copywriting experience can help your brand.

Talk soon, 

– Danielle, Your Strategic Brand Storyteller 

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