It’s not all about you!
As a business owner, of course, you could talk days about your new product, your next big event or your beautiful storefront but don’t get too engulfed in self-talk. Your audience will catch on to your sales tactic and within seconds delete you from their feed.
This is why curated content on your social media pages matter! Curated content is content that is done by experts, related to your field. This content could come in the form or blogs, articles, or video.
For instance if you’re a business coach, content curation could come from brands like Forbes or Entrepreneur. If you’re a fashion blogger, curated content could come from an article that features your favorite fashion designer who inspires your style.
Below are 3 reasons why curated content matters in your feed. Listen up and take note!
Sharing curated content from other leading experts or influencers related to your field could put you in the perfect place to building a great relationship with others in the industry. How does this happen? Your hashtags and tags could get you that attention. The company or influencer
Yes, your audience knows just how much you love your own brand that you’re very knowledgeable in your product or service could help them. But they don’t want to hear about it all the time! Show them, that you’re doing your homework and staying up to date on industry trends by sharing content that matters to the masses. For instance, if you’re a finance coach, you may want to post that latest article you’ve browsed over about personal or business taxes.
Content curation equals growth! When your current audience views a valuable article link from a leading industry expert or influencer, chances are they will share it. Those shares could turn into more follows for your own brand.
Content curation sets you apart from your competition who may be stuck in a rut of what to post. After reading this, I challenge you to make a list of all the brands that you believe would add value to your audience. Keep that list close to include in your content strategy. If you need help with your strategy, send me a message by clicking here. I would love to chat with you!
-Danielle Wallace, Your Strategic Brand Storyteller