Hey there, I´m Sophia

Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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Frustration instantly kicks in, if your sales page isn’t doing the job for your program or course launch. 

You immediately start thinking, “What did I do wrong?” 

For a lot of business owners, launching a new program or course can be extremely stressful.

So imagine, doing all of the work putting together your program or course, only to drop the ball on your sales page – the main document that can help you convert people into buyers? 

Chances are, you’ll become a little bit more frustrated…

And no one wants that. Right? 


So, let’s go ahead and dive into these 3 big sales page mistakes: 

1. Having boring or vague headlines 

Look, you’ve got to have a good hook to start your sales page and more hooks to keep the momentum going. 

This looks like having a popping headline to start your sales page and popping headlines that intro each section of your sales page. 


Because not only do you want to hook people from the very start but you want to keep their attention until the very end. 

These headlines have to be clear and straight to the point. 

2. Where’s your social proof? 

A sure-fire way to show you’re the right person for the job is by sharing words from your previous clients or customers. 

The key to making sure you always have these is by being intentional with collecting them all the time. 

Social proof makes a difference – whether they’re written testimonials or video testimonials…

People want to hear from other people who they can relate to…

Maybe a past client or customer has a story that your potential client or customer can relate to. 

3. Lacking strong call to actions 

Having only one call-to-action at the bottom of your sales page just doesn’t cut it. 

Strong call-to-actions are meant to stand out in multiple places on your sales page…

From the beginning to the very end, it’s super important to remind people to take action in buying….

Now, I hope these reminders are helpful for your next program or course sales page. 
If so, drop in the comments to share what resonates with you the most.

I’d love to know.

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