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Social Media Manager and Copywritter

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2 Reasons You Hate Marketing Your Business

by | May 14, 2022 | 0 comments

I’m noticing quite a few people share how much they hate marketing their business.

Sometimes, they share how much they resent social media because of the algorithms.

And then there are some people who say they don’t like showing up for their email subscribers because they feel as though there’s nothing of value to say to them.

This is heartbreaking.

Because I love showing up to serve people.

I love connecting and sharing my thoughts on topics.

And I love having authentic conversations – especially during LIVE videos.

At the end of the day, while algorithms are important to take into consideration, you must still show up.

I believe your content will reach the right people on social media.

And beyond social media, it’s so critical for you to communicate with your email subscribers.

There’s no algorithm stopping you from reaching their inbox.

Now, in terms of what to say to your subscribers:

There are tons of things to turn into content.

The key is thinking outside of the box and pulling out key stories from within your brand.

Got it?

Now, let’s get into 2 BIG reasons why I think quite a few people hate marketing their business.

Maybe you can relate to these:

1. You’re making it about you

Sorry, but your brand’s messaging is not about you.

Let me explain…

Your potential clients are the focal point of your marketing.

Ask yourself, “What do they need from me?”

Because at the end of the day, you’ve got to connect them if you want to see conversions truly.

Now, this doesn’t mean neglecting the storytelling elements of your marketing.

Storytelling is essential.

But, the message within story-driven content should always circle back around to your audience.

2. You’re stuck in comparison mode

Get rid of the comparisonitis itch.

Because comparing your brand to others in your industry won’t serve you well.

Instead, it leads you down a rabbit hole of chasing things that aren’t aligned with your business.

Before you know it, you’ll find yourself creating content that’s not on brand or not authentic.

Sure, you can be inspired by other brands, but don’t waste hours of doom scrolling – only to compare yourself.

Again, you’ll start chasing the wrong goals or feel bad about your progress.

Now, tell me, are you guilty of either of these?

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