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10 Questions to Create a Compelling Brand Story

by | Nov 25, 2022 | 0 comments

To tell the right story and attract an audience that benefits you, you need to evaluate your company, target audience, and other categories that are necessary for your success. A great strategy to unlock all the information you need is to ask yourself deep and open-ended questions.

Here are some useful questions to help get your brand’s story started:


Who founded the company and why? – Include the year, where you or they were, and any other information valuable to the overall story.

What challenges did you or they face along the way? – Every good story needs a middle that includes a conflict or challenging situation. Every successful business has faced and overcame these challenges too. Find stories that resonate the most with your overall objectives and company values.

Target Audience:

What platforms do your ideal client use? – Are your customers on Facebook, YouTube, E-mail, Instagram, or LinkedIn? Once you find this out, do some market research and ask questions or run polls to find out what your ideal client is really thinking.

How do I want to impact my clients? – Do you want to change their mind or further establish their morals?

Vision and Main Objectives:

What is your proudest moment and why? – How did it lead to where you are today and what program, services, or course you have to offer? What are the core values used to guide your business decisions?

Where do you need to improve and why? – Can you show your clients what the future looks like with your company or products? Can you show them you value their opinions or ideas?

Competitive Edge:

What makes you or your company so special? – In other words, what are your corporate mission and goals outlined for your business?

What makes you different and unique? – Who are your competitors, and how do you stand out?

Brand Identity:

How do you define and describe your brand? – If you had one word to describe your business, what would it be? What about color or an object? Do you want to be educational, entertaining, or inspirational?

As you answer each of these questions, find a creative and innovative way to put it together organized and consistent with your goals and understanding of your target audience.

Would you like more freshly brewed insights from me about leveraging the power of storytelling in your business?

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